Alicia Leighty
Artist Bio
Hi there! My name is Alicia and I'm originally from Arizona. Since moving to Colorado, I feel that I've gotten a lot more in touch with my creative side. I definitely am aware that I don't have the most natural artistic skills, but that hasn't really stopped me from trying or enjoying it. I've always loved photography and editing photos. In the last few years I've picked up painting. I'm by no means a skilled painter, it's more just something I do for fun and my own enjoyment, but I still love making my own art. My paintings are usually based on memories I have. It's usually a collation of all the things that come to mind when I think of a certain place, person, time, etc. I also love painting cute, cartoon-y, and chaotic versions of photos I take. I like covering the entire canvas with color and including small "Easter egg" details. I love art that you find something new in every time you look at it. The extent of my drawing is really just sketching painting ideas and doodling every once in a while. I feel like painting works better for me. I really enjoy my paintings and I would love to bring the same sort of things to life in a cleaner, digital form. I'm still very unsure of my own artist style, but I hope to figure it out through trial and error as I learn and see what I do best. Below is some work that inspires me from artists I enjoy. (: