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  • alle6041

For this daydream video project, I’ve decided to make the subject of my video my cute corgi named Leya. I’m thinking that the video will begin with her doing some outdoor activity that tires her out and she’ll come inside for a treat and some rest. I’m thinking of displaying the treat as her “psychedelic” inducing her crazy trip or just showing her dozing off to sleep and making it her dream. Then for the animated part, I’m thinking of starting off where she is her “real” self but everything around her is animated until she also turns into a cartoon. I really want to play with the multiple ways I can go about animating this to see what looks best. I think that I’m definitely going to portray her “trip” as something really happy and exciting. Then, of course, I’ll have her returning to reality, waking up, and getting some good pets from her loved ones.

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