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Updated: Sep 24, 2021

Artist Statement

For this project, my concept was to use quotes from multiple isolated incidents of my boyfriend talking in his sleep and put them together to form one cohesive dream. First, we see him "awake" in space. Next we travel to see him in his space station with all his alien friends. He invites me to come sit with them. Then, as chaos ensues, we have to flee. We flee to an orange planet that recurs in multiple of the images. As we travel throughout the planet, we come across multiple sights. We see a mirage in the sky, we see a wine fountain, and finally we see a rocket ship. We use this rocket ship to leave the planet behind and return to space and the dream ends. One thing I would change about my images after the critique would to be to integrate the text displaying the quotes in a different and more cohesive way.

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I got inspired by looking at the zine from a previous student who created representations of the funny phrases her guy friends would say at work. My boyfriend talks in his sleep a lot and I keep a note in my phone of all the funniest things he’ll say out of context. My zine concept is to create visual representations of what I think he was dreaming about based on my favorites of the short and quick phrases I’ve taken note of. I plan to integrate the text displaying what excerpt each photo is representing as part of the photo itself. Originally, I thought of doing this in the form of some brief captions, but I do think it’ll be cooler to actually make it a part of the scene. The plan is to do really silly and exaggerated photos based on the little words I’m working with to really bring it to life and tie all of the incidents of sleep talking together to make one big action-packed dream.

The 5 images below are simple cartoons from the internet of some examples of the settings my created photos will consist of.

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